  1. ホーム
  2. 宇和島城翻訳
  3. NAGATO-maru ishigaki - Kanbun era (1661-1673) Renovated wall-

NAGATO-maru ishigaki - Kanbun era (1661-1673) Renovated wall-

                   ※Laser measured projection drawing of "Kitasumi-yagura-shita"

It is estimated that this stone wall was built in the latter half of the 17th century, during major renovation works by the second feudal lord of the Date clan, Date Munetoshi. The characteristics are well represented in the corners, where a technique called "Sangi-zumi(stacking)", in which rectangular stones neatly shaped with a chisel were piled up, while turned alternately vertically and horizontally.
It is believed to have been a build during the major castle renovation works between 1664-1671, by the second feudal lord of the Date clan, Date Munetoshi.

(Drawing of Uwajima Castle (1699) selection)


The corner part of the wall is called "Gukaku-bu", and the part between corners is called "Tsukishi-bu". In the "Gukaku-bu" a further distinction of "Sumi-ishi" and "Sumiwaki-ishi" can be made. While in the "Tsukishi-bu" you will be able to find large rocks "Tsuki-ishi" that make the main wall and small stones "Madume-ishi" inserted into the gaps to lock the rocks into place.
The age of the stone wall is estimated by characteristics such as size, shape, processing techniques and degree of distribution of these stones.